Microsoft 365: Open in app in OneDrive, SharePoint y Teams!

As part of the new wave of innovations rolling out in OneDrive for Business, we are going to have the option to open non-office files with the native application (if available). In this way, we will be able to open PDF, image and video files with their respective native apps. More details about the Open in app feature can be found in the the following blog post published in the OneDrive blog:

thumbnail image 1 of blog post titled 
							Feature Deep Dive: Open in App

Of course, this feature is going to be available also in Teams and SharePoint:

thumbnail image 3 captioned Open your files in their native desktop apps from the My files view in the Teams client by selecting Open in app.

Microsoft 365: New user experience to create channels in Teams!

So far, to create a new channel in an existing Team we have open the Team options and make use of the “Add channel” option”. To help on creating new channels in existing Teams, Microsoft is providing a new user experience where users can select first the Team where the channel is going to be added and them the channel type.


The following is the new user experience to create a channel in a Team selected.
